Welcome to the Bureau

The Bureau came in to existence to solve the problem of delivering truly great applications, service and solutions, by negating the incredibly poor, or non existent, process that is present in most of today’s solution based companies. We have literally decades of industry experience covering sectors as diverse as Broadcast, Finance and Pharmaceutical. We are platform agnostic, working across PC, Mac, Mobile, Set Top Box, Games Console and a multitude of other devices. Also, we have experience in working successfully with companies that are culturally and geographically diverse, from New York to Vienna.

We have built, and continue to build our team by offering them the Bureau’s focused, secure, flexible and well paid environment to work within, allowing and inspiring them to excel at what they are truly good at. All of our team members have some form of pedigree about them, even if they don’t qualify as senior partners…yet

Our teams are lead by senior partners, who represent the top 1% in the industry, and populated with the industry elite, many of whom are pre-release testers for leading software manufacturers, so we’ll be able to tell you about software releases and issues the instant they are known and out of NDA.

We are launching the Bureau’s blog in order to show case the new work we are doing (as soon as it exits NDA) and to give guidance and solutions to process, development and design issues in the community as we are asked or as we come across them. As it builds, it will cover topics such as development, design, process, best practices and more

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